We Have Overcome:

A paean to the American Dream
It has been more than fifty years since the Civil Rights Act enshrined equality under the law for all Americans. Since that time, America has enjoyed an era of unprecedented prosperity, domestic and international peace, and technological advancement.
But the dominant narrative, repeated in the media and from the angry mouths of politicians and activists, is the exact opposite of the reality. They paint a portrait of an America rife with racial and ethnic division, where minorities are mired in a poverty worse than slavery, and white people stand at the top of an unfairly stacked pyramid of privilege.
Nonfiction by Dr. Jason Hill
Becoming a Cosmopolitan
In this highly original book, Jason Hill defends a strong form of moral cosmopolitanism and lays the groundwork for a new view of the self. To achieve a radical cosmopolitan identity, he argues it may be necessary to forget aspects of one’s racial and ethnic socialization.
Civil Disobedience and the Politics of Identity
Jason Hill attempts to apply general cosmopolitan humanist moral intuitions and democratic political beliefs to certain clearly perceived wrongs that have otherwise been ignored, by providing criteria for when it is necessary to break the peace and become a moral insurrectionist.
Beyond Blood Identities
Beyond Blood Identities uncovers the social psychology of those who hold strong blood identities. Jason D. Hill argues that strong racial, ethnic and national identities, which he refers to as ‘tribal identities,’ function according to a separatist logic that does irreparable damage to our moral lives
Jamaica Boy in Search of America
Set primarily in the violent socialist regime of Michael Manley during the 1970s, Brockton Findley learns to accept his emerging sexuality in a country that kills gay people on sight, and to come to terms with the rape and murder of his best friend, Sonya.

“An ontological rebel rejecting the categories that limit our freedom”
— Leonard Harris, Purdue University